Mapping the FutuRE

For the property industry, the landscape is being redrawn. Increasing focus on environmental, social and governance commitments, combined with longer-term societal changes which are gathering pace, are bringing about a transformation in how we live and work, and how we occupy and use space. Our buildings and communities are being redefined and repurposed. At Mills & Reeve, we're scanning the horizon and Mapping the FutuRE.

Welcome to our city. As we Map the FutuRE, we hope you will join the conversation.

Our buildings and communities are being redefined and repurposed. Working with clients from across the real estate sector gives us a viewpoint on the new trends evolving. On our map we look at the important changes affecting the real estate industry today and in future and offer insight on the challenges and opportunities for our sector across a range of assets and key themes. Please click on the links in the map to discover more.



Environmental, social and governance metrics are a priority for the global business community. The built environment has a substantial ecological and social impact, and the potential for positive change.  


Proptech has been evolving at pace recently, accelerated by the pandemic and the focus on ESG. What will drive change over the next year and what are the key issues?

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