
In the digital age, copyright is more important than ever. Our specialist lawyers can support you in both licensing and protecting your valuable copyright. 

As traditional distribution channels for media give way to new media and streaming sites and the importance of a social media presence for every business grows, copyright is an issue for everybody. 

Copyright law is changing to reflect the modern world – though, some argue, not quickly enough. We can guide you through the issues you need to be on top of. 

  • Concerned by ownership of copyright in materials being developed?
  • Licensing your works to others?
  • Concerned to ensure that you have the right licences in place or that a competitor has copied your material?

We're here to help.

Our lawyers

Our experts understand the importance of copyright to any business (it matters to us, too!). We know the issues that arise when trying to protect and promote copyrighted work. 

Our experience

We have extensive experience helping clients with copyright issues across a range of sectors. From the day-to-day to completely unique situations, our knowledge and understanding means we can help deal with your issue. 

Recent experience includes:

  • Advising a university on the licensing of software and databases developed by university staff to a business seeking to exploit those materials.
  • Acting for a training business and an author against a competitor which had copied training materials and substantial portions of a book.
  • Advising numerous clients in several fields on licences from collecting societies, such as the Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA) and Copyright Licencing Agency (CLA). 
  • Running an enforcement campaign for a scientific institute whose published standards are frequently copied and sold online.
  • Auditing and then re-organising the copyright assets (including promotional materials, forms and bespoke software) of a financial services business.

Our clients

Our clients are of every size and span many sectors. They include:

  • A number of leading universities 
  • The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
  • A leading firm of architects
  • An online publisher of regional news
  • A business running 15 large holiday homes

Did you know?

Further reading

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