Procurement disputes

We regularly advise public bodies on both avoiding claims and defending challenges to their decisions. Equally our familiarity with the procurement regime is regularly applied to challenge unsound procurement practices.

We bring unrivalled knowledge of procurement law and the specialist processes to fight procurement challenges and obtain the best possible outcome.

The nature of procurement disputes requires quick, concise and practical advice and our expertise in this area has led to us being instructed on a number of high-profile cases. We're able to quickly analyse the issues, identify weaknesses and strengths and suggest a course of action which is commercial and cost effective.

We also provide a dedicated Procurement Portal that includes up-to-date news and blogs, procurement resources and the option to contact us for free initial advice.

Our experience

We have a substantial team of procurement experts who advise on all aspects of public procurement work. Procurement disputes is an integral part of that team.

  • Brought the first case before the English courts to lift the automatic suspension under the (then) new Remedies Directive.

  • Represented 1 of the 6 claimants chosen from 98 claims in a significant challenge against the decision of the Legal Aid Agency to award legal aid contracts. The case involved 98 separate claimants and ran in parallel with judicial review proceedings before the Divisional Court.

  • Defended a major NHS body following a challenge brought by a multi-national pharmaceutical company to a procurement of laboratory tests for HIV/HPV.

  • Successfully represented a government department in a claim brought against a procurement decision by way of judicial review rather than under the Public Contracts Regulations. The claim was struck out.

  • Representing a CCG in connection with a challenge to (then) Monitor (now NHSI) in connection with a procurement dispute arising under the Procurement Patient Choice and Competition Regulations 2013.

Get in touch

Our team of legal experts are here to support you.
Contact one of our lawyers today.

Our clients

The team acts for many substantial clients, including:

  • Foundation Trusts
  • Department of Health
  • NHS England
  • Abbott Laboratories
  • The British Council

Your main contact

Procurement portal

Our procurement lawyers provide practical advice to help you achieve the best outcome while reducing risks and costs.