Renewables and net zero

In a dynamic and fast moving sector, we 're able to support our clients on renewables transactions and also provide wider support, taking in ESG.

The adoption of renewable energy sources and associated net zero objectives is now commonplace. No longer is there debate about emissions but some commentators regard renewables and net zero as the economic opportunity of the 21st century.

We maintain a core team of lawyers active on renewables matters, drawn from a range of disciplines, giving coverage across specialist areas ranging from planning (including development consent orders (DCOs)), real estate and construction, finance, corporate through to regulatory and disputes support.

Our experience

Our clients include developers, landowners, generators, contractors and suppliers. We also advise Government and the public sector.

We have particular experience in AD, biomass and energy from waste, and landowner and other interests in solar and wind projects. We're also active in heat networks and advise on grid connection issues.

More widely, we have experience of clean air projects, carbon trading schemes and other projects with a net zero aspiration.

Did you know?

Marine and tidal

We advised on the installation of a tidal generator at the European Marine Energy Council test site in the Orkneys.

Energy from waste

We advised on EPC contracts on MF/1 terms and BOP for a thermal power station in Runcorn.

Our lawyers

Our renewable energy lawyers have particular expertise in:

  • Anaerobic digestion
  • Hydro
  • Marine
  • Solar
  • Waste to energy and biomass
  • Wind farms (off and onshore)

Get in touch

Our team of legal experts are here to support you.
Contact one of our lawyers today.

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We explore ESG issues and how they impact Mills & Reeve as an organisation, our people, clients and wider communities.