A key and often unique part of business strategy is how to get your message out there. We can help you with compliance to ensure you get it right and to resolve any issues or regulatory investigations after the fact.
Businesses naturally want to shout about their best assets and promote their services, brands and products to celebrate success and articulate a USP. However, all advertising and marketing must be compliant with the UK’s law and regulation and, as the advertiser, this is primarily your responsibility. These rules do not just apply to “classic” obvious examples of advertising but also your social media feed, website content and any activation you might do.
This combined with multiple different frameworks to navigate as well as continually updated guidance and enforcement focuses to be aware of can make understanding the rules as they apply to your business complex.
We can work with you before your ads go live to ensure they are compliant but also help guide you through the regulatory complaints process with the Advertising Standards Authority, Competition and Markets Authority, Trading Standards and sector regulators if you haven’t quite got it right.