Oil and gas


Increasing focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) value is transforming the oil and gas industry.

As fossil fuels continue to play an important role in providing the world’s energy, we’re here to help overcome the complex challenges being faced in this significant decarbonisation transition - paving the way for a greener future.

We assist and advise blocks and fields on the UK continental shelf with legal and commercial issues, from contracts and JV agreements to new regulation. Our cross-sector expertise, including in the renewables field, provides an all-round perspective of how to overcome issues and forge ahead.

Our experience

We successfully advise domestic and international clients on legal and commercial needs, including:

  • Advising in relation to the Pembroke B Power Station, a 2000 MW power station - at the time the largest natural gas-fired power plant built in the UK.

  • Advising a number of upstream UKCS offshore asset owners on cost allocation disputes with respective asset operators.

  • Acting for the owner of an oil refinery in Greece in respect of the upgrading of the refinery including the negotiation of the EPC contract for the upgrade.

  • Advising on a £57m claim brought by a marine contractor in respect of the design, fabrication, procurement and installation of two platforms together with associated bridgeworks for an off-shore platform.

  • Advising the owner of a major piece of UKCS offshore infrastructure owner in respect of claims for third party access under the OGA disputes framework.

  • Advising a major marine contractor on the impact of Covid-19 on its master services agreement with a global oil major.

  • An international corporation in the construction of a $40 million terminal facility in the Caribbean.

  • A multi-million-pound claim against a contractor and subcontractor arising out of decommissioning and well-abandonment works. 

  • A client concerning the design, fabrication and delivery of the world's largest FPSO vessel.

Did you know?

Critical UK gas pipeline infrastructure

We advised in relation to transportation and processing infrastructure, pipelines and facilities necessary to accept, transport and redeliver natural gas. 

Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel

We advised on the design and construction of one of the world's largest FPSO vessels, part of a $5 billion project. 

Our clients

We provide advice on a wide variety of issues under agreements relating to the exploration, production, processing, transportation and operation of oil and gas facilities. Our clients include:

  • Oil majors and independent companies who own and/or operate assets
  • Shippers and terminal operators
  • EPC contractors involved in the design and construction of assets
  • Subcontractors and equipment suppliers

Our lawyers

Our specialist lawyers have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of oil and gas projects, providing advice and assistance on upstream, midstream and downstream operations on the UKCS and internationally.

Get in touch

Our team of legal experts are here to support you.
Contact one of our lawyers today.

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