Laura Woodward

Laura Woodward

Senior Associate

  • Birmingham
  • +(44)(0)1223 222548
  • +(44)(0)7436425627
  • Contact Laura

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What can Laura do for you?

Laura is an Associate in our real estate disputes team. Laura advises commercial landlords and tenants as well as institutions in the education sector on a variety of contentious property matters including contested and uncontested lease renewals, dilapidations, recovering arrears and forfeiture.  

Laura has also advised clients and insurers on matters affecting properties such as adverse possession claims, enforceability of restrictive covenants as well as advising clients on council tax liability and working within the team's growing business rates practice.

Supporting my clients' ambitions

Laura has worked with clients in a variety of situations including:

  • As part of a team which secured an interim injunction (after an emergency injunction had already been obtained) to protect our clients' property interest.
  • As part of the team which represented several ratepayers in the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) regarding their business rates liability.
  • Advising a university in respect of its dilapidations liability across several of its properties.
  • Preparing and serving break notices and notices under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 for both corporate landlords and tenants as well as universities.
  • Securing possession of a property for a corporate client when several residential licences were in place.

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