Ini-Obong Nkang

Sports Law Advisor

  • Manchester
  • +(44)(0)16234 8730
  • +447979174938
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  • Dr Ini-Obong Nkang

What can Ini-Obong do for you?

Ini provides strategic legal guidance on regulatory compliance, commercial contracts, and international and domestic dispute resolution in various sports courts and tribunals.

Ini has nearly 10 years’ worth of expertise in both UK and international sports law. He's keen to help clients navigate complex legal challenges to safeguard their interests and achieve successful outcomes.

Supporting your ambitions

Ini has advised MPs, sports charities, domestic and international sports governing bodies on complex regulatory matters to ensure compliance with various national and international rules. This enabled the clients to focus on other objectives without having to worry about legal distractions.

As a firm, we do not believe in a one size fits all approach, as what is right for one client may not be right for another. Ini’s client-focused approach ensures that legal challenges are met with solutions that align with and can support both the client’s short-term and long-term objectives.

What do others say?

Clients and colleagues describe Ini’s practise as having an eye for detail while being highly effective, solution-oriented, and deeply knowledgeable about sports law.

Ini is often appreciated for his ability to simplify complex legal issues and provide strategic advice that aligns with the client’s goals. He's approachable, dependable, and committed to understanding the unique needs of each client.

What else should you know?

Ini holds a PhD in Sports Law and has taught the subject at top universities across the UK, which gives him a unique blend of academic and practical insights.

Ini is dual qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales, and a barrister in Nigeria. Ini’s diverse background enriches his approach to giving tailored and well-rounded legal advice.

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