Anatomy of a potential scandal: conducting effective internal investigations

In June, the London Solicitors Litigation Association (chaired by our very own Avneet Baryan, senior associate and president of the Junior LSLA) hosted a fascinating panel discussion at Mills & Reeveā€™s London office.

The discussion focused on the key points that an organisation needs to consider when embarking on an internal investigation.

The panel brought a range of experiences and insights, offering practical advice on how best to support client teams through this process.

A key theme of the discussion was the importance of the initial steps of an internal investigation and the potential for mistakes to be made at an early stage.

The steps taken at the start of an investigation, or in advance of starting an investigation, are crucial to ensuring that an investigation is carried out effectively. Below, we share our tips on how to set up a successful internal investigation.

If you require any further information, or you wish to speak to a member of our team about investigations, please contact Rachel McDonnell or Claire O’Reilly.

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