Dignity and diversity at work - new online training

With only two weeks to go before the core provisions of the Equality Act 2010 come into force, employers need to review their practices and policies to ensure they comply with its provisions.

It can often be difficult for employers to ensure that employees understand their individual responsibilities and how equality law applies to them. To help meet this need we have developed an interactive online training course. The course is suitable for employees at all levels and in all roles. It can be used as an introductory course for those with no prior knowledge of diversity or discrimination law, or as a refresher course for individuals who may have had some training in the past. Interactive questions throughout the course help consolidate your employees’ learning experience. A marked assessment section at the end of the course ensures that you know that your employees have understood what they have learned.

There are many business benefits for an organisation which implements effective diversity, equal opportunities and bullying and harassment policies and practices. Improved staff retention, decreased absenteeism and higher staff morale are just a few examples. Most importantly from a legal perspective, under the Equality Act, where an employee has committed an act of discrimination or harassment against a colleague, the employer will have a defence in an Employment Tribunal claim if it can show that it had taken all reasonable steps to prevent the discrimination or harassment occurring. Providing your employees with appropriate training is one of the steps you can take towards establishing this defence. If you would like further information about the course please get in touch: [email protected]

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