Consultation to consider proposed ‘Plan of Work for Fire Safety’ (PWFS) document

Following the tragic events at Grenfell Tower last year, the Government commissioned an ‘Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety’ by Dame Judith Hackitt. In response to the findings, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has launched a consultation to consider its proposed ‘Plan of Work for Fire Safety’ (PWFS) document.

The PWFS seeks to clarify the responsibilities of the design and construction team in relation to fire safety by delivering a “best practice” process map. The consultation documents can be accessed here:

(1) Consultation document:

(2) Consultation questionnaire:

 The consultation document lists 22 issues with a proposed solution for each. The issues include, amongst others, a Fire and Emergency File under the CDM 2015, earlier engagement with Building Control, timing of the Building Regulations Completion Certificate and early consultation with the construction team and engineering and specialist consultants. The questionnaire invites responses from all aspects of the construction industry, from architects and developers to local authorities, tenants and other “interested” parties. Feedback is due by 15 October 2018.

Hopefully this will be an important step towards fire safety in the design, construction and maintenance of buildings within the industry. Watch this space for the consultation results.

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