1 minute read

The future of Heat Networks in NHS estate

Heat Networks could play a vital role supporting the NHS to transition to net zero, offering low carbon heating options for NHS Trusts and Foundations Trusts. Large hospital estates are well placed to benefit from Heat Networks due to the nature of their estate which have typically high and consistent energy demands where reliability is essential.

With NHS trusts and Integrated Care Boards required to meet their statutory climate change duties and increased funding directed towards heat networks efficiency schemes, activity is only going to increase in the next few years. We have seen the recent announcement of funds release to NHS Trusts under the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, with several NHS bodies featuring in the recent Phase 3c update published in May 2024. NHS bodies also continue to benefit from grant funding under the Carbon and Energy Fund.

Traditionally, many Heat Network solutions in the NHS have been confined within the particular NHS Trust and its estate, but there may now be the opportunity to connect to new urban centre networks under development where the Trust would be one of a number of offtakers from a city or town centre energy centre.

We have a team of specialists with experience in heat network implementation drawn from our energy and infrastructure sector and health and care sector. Do contact Nick Helm, Michael Whatley or Benjamin Bull if you’d like to find out more about heat networks and the opportunities available to your organisation.


Tania Richards

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