1 minute read

Gender pay reporting deadline looms

For most higher education institutions in England (ie those already subject to the public sector equality duties) the deadline for posting the first year’s gender pay gap figures expires on 30 March. At the time of writing only one English university has published its statutory report.

UCEA has suggested that those institutions who have not already identified a specific publication date should aim for the week commencing 5 March, given that international women’s day this year falls on 8 March.

Those institutions still considering how to contextualise their data may find the New JNCHES HE gender pay gap data report of assistance. In addition, the UCEA gender pay gap data page has links to the biennial gender pay gap reports that Scottish universities have been required to publish since 2012, which may prove of assistance.

Our employment blog posting here deals with some of the legal issues that have surfaced in the press so far this year about gender pay reporting and the related subject of equal pay.



Nicola Brown


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