Spectrum network

Providing support and representation for anyone who identifies as a member of a minority sexual orientation or gender identity.

illustration for Spectrum network

Spectrum is our LGBT+ network and provides support to LGBT+ people in all their diversity, including those from all ethnicities, faiths, beliefs, disabilities, genders, genders identities, sexes, sexual orientations, ages and backgrounds.

Membership of Spectrum is open to anyone at the firm who would like to support the network's aims, regardless of whether they identify as LGBT+, a definition which includes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. The + refers to other minority sexual orientations and gender identities, eg, asexual, intersex, non-binary and others. The members of Spectrum also welcome contact from anyone at the firm who is considering identifying as LGBT+. Our current members include partners, other lawyers and support staff.

Our aims

  • To provide support to Mills & Reeve’s LGBT+ staff and partners. This includes:
    • Providing support to anyone at the firm who has a family member that identifies as LGBT+

    • Providing support to anyone who has experienced inappropriate behaviour in the workplace or outside it, including in reporting such behaviour in accordance with the firm’s policies prohibiting harassment and supporting diversity in the workplace

  • To act as a sounding board for senior management in relation to diversity and inclusion issues affecting the LGBT+ community where appropriate

  • To ensure that LGBT+ issues are represented across the firm, including by: 
    • Enabling lobbying or representations to be made to the firm’s senior management where appropriate

    • Acting as a point of contact for anyone in the firm wishing to consult on matters that may be relevant to LGBT+ staff and partners

    • Raising awareness of LGBT+ issues throughout Mills & Reeve, for example at induction training and through events or announcements

The members of Spectrum positively welcome hearing from anyone in the firm (and anyone thinking of applying to the firm) who identifies as LGBT+, or who might be considering identifying as LGBT+. We'd like to make sure that Spectrum’s membership is as inclusive as possible. As well as encouraging new members, we also welcome questions and requests for support from LGBT+ individuals, and suggestions for new ways in which Spectrum can achieve its aims.

For more information about Spectrum please email us at [email protected].

Mills & Reeve is a Stonewall Diversity Champion and we're also member of the Interlaw Diversity Forum.

“Mills & Reeve is committed to ensuring that it is a diverse and inclusive workplace, and that we help all our partners and staff to reach their full potential. Part of this having an LGBT+ network and I am proud to support Spectrum. ”

Claire Clarke, managing partner

Mills & Reeve